The Heat Wave is Ruining Summer

It is so hot that I’ve seen people demonstrate frying an egg on the sidewalk. That’s just ridiculous. The temperatures continue to move towards the triple-digit mark day after day. It seems as if there is no end in sight. Here are three ways the heat wave is ruining summer.

Three Ways the Heat Wave is Ruining Summer

Minimal Outdoor Play Time

It used to be expected for children to play outdoors on summer break. That old-time favorite is a thing of the past. Today, outdoor time is limited, and carrying a water bottle is necessary. Don’t forget we all need SPF 30 or higher to fight off the crippling UV rays from the sun. It is more expensive to entertain children indoors. They want to eat constantly and feel entitled to live at the arcade. Parents, we understand the heat wave is ruining summer.

Minimal Exercise Time

You’ve missed your window if you can’t walk, jog, bike, or run before nine o’clock in the morning. We are waking up to 75 degrees or more every day. By the time the clock strikes noon, it’s already 90 degrees or feels like it with full sun. If you are lucky where you live, some days, there is a slight breeze of less than hot air. Working out at the gym is your best bet. The days of becoming one with nature are too risky. Outdoor exercise enthusiasts, we know the heatwave is ruining summer.

Lack of Motivation

The heat is consistent, and air conditioning units can’t keep up. It’s giving; I want to do nothing vibes. When the temperature in your home is barely cool, that is a sign that your air conditioner is losing the battle. The oppressive temperatures can drain you. People would rather be still to conserve energy than contend with the soaring temperatures. It’s crushing the stamina and creativity of the masses.

The best way to combat the heatwave is to find a body of water that you can immerse yourself in regularly. We are just making it through July. The meteorological prediction seems to be serving more of the same in the coming month.