When a Cold is not a Cold

It all starts with a tickle in the back of the throat.  That is the first sign that maybe you should start taking vitamins regularly. Next, you begin to feel lethargic for no reason. I mean, you get out of bed, get yourself together, and immediately, all you want to do is lie down. Finally, eating becomes a chore. Your favorite meal cannot entice you to sit at the table to savor the aroma or get past two bites.  These are all signs of when a cold is not a cold.

My grandchildren came home not feeling well.  The complaint was an itchy throat.  These kids are never quiet.  You could hear a pin drop at my residence.  I go to check to make sure everyone is still breathing, and both are in bed, blankets up to their necks.  My first question to each of them is, what’s wrong with you? They reply in unison, I just feel tired, and I’m a little chilly. It’s giving very much when a cold is not a cold to me.

I break out the infrared forehead thermometer to check their temperature.  Each child is running a fever of 101. Now, there is no coughing, no sneezing, and no nausea. Outside of their throats hurting with no energy, I don’t know if this is a common cold coming on or not. The first course of treatment is children’s fever reducer. It staves off the temperature, but the sluggishness remains.

To rouse them, I prepare their favorite meal. The two enjoy my homemade chicken alfredo.  It’s in rotation at least three times per month. I prepared a cup of green tea with lemon while they waited. They didn’t show the usual level of enthusiasm. My grandson asked if he could have his portion for the next day.  His sister followed suit with the same request.

After not eating dinner, both went back to their beds and slept for hours. I can’t say that I was upset about the amount of quiet. Every 8 hours for 48 hours, I had to administer children’s fever reducer.  On the third day, thankfully, the high temperature subsided completely. I stripped beds, disinfected their room, and made homemade chicken noodle soup to get them back on their feet.

The coughing and sneezing began on the fourth day. I guess this is the next portion of the illness when a cold is not a cold. The kids are still moving slowly, but I can tell that they feel better. It’s sound like a crowd in here again. I don’t know what doctors or scientists are calling the rhinovirus from hell this season, but it sure does pack a wallop on you if you get it. I suggest wearing a mask out in public and taking your vitamins.