One Flag. One Reason.

US FlagToday we celebrate Independence Day representative of the birth of a nation we know as the United States of America.  It was thirteen colonies who banded together to separate themselves from the British Empire.  Some of the colonies were located in the North and others were in the South but all believed that we should establish our own country.  The ratification of this event can be argued to have occurred on July 2nd or August 2nd back in 1776 but nonetheless we recognize the birth of this great nation on July 4th.  I understand that we are not perfect in our union and after all this time it saddens me.  However, I think that we can all agree that no matter where you call home in these United States we are proud to be American.  With the media and technology we all bear witness to some of the atrocities that occur throughout the world.  Yes, I understand that the United States is not exactly a rose garden either but the people of this great country get to have an opinion, get to act out and stand up for what they believe, get to choose where to live, what religion to follow, and whom they love openly (with or without the approval of others).  We have and exercise so many freedoms as individuals that I believe we take for granted most days because we cannot picture our daily lives any other way.  I have been abroad and I will admit there is breath taking beauty in other countries but I will always choose the United States as my home.  The opportunities here are endless that is why millions of people want to migrate to this country.  Enjoy your celebrations as we continue to hope for prosperity and understanding in the United States of America.  #ProudtobeAmerican