My COVID-19 Vaccination Experience

I know many people are taking the wait-and-see approach to getting a covid-19 vaccination. I get it, I too, was a never am I going to be part of an experimental inoculation process. Then, I went to, maybe down the line after a few million others gets it, and finally, I arrived at, I want my turn. The idea of getting the vaccination gave me anxiety for a multitude of reasons. The biggest encompassed being part of the disenfranchised segment of America. Let me tell you about my COVID-19 vaccination experience.

The novel Coronavirus has mutated in the United Kingdom, Brazil, and South Africa. These new mutations make the contagion accelerates from human to human. This is the sole factor that causes my views of getting a vaccination to change. The idea of getting the virus without some type of protective shield to avert demise seems like a no-brainer to me. As of March 18th, all residents above the age of 16 years old are eligible to get a COVID-19 vaccination in Georgia. I could not get an appointment before the last day of March.

I was nervous about getting the vaccination. I was also excited because it meant having a peace of mind to do activities. It was a very well-organized situation. The entire process was less than thirty minutes. To think if the American Rescue Plan hadn’t passed, the funding to create widespread vaccination centers would not exist. My COVID-19 vaccination experience went well. I chose not to get the injection on my dominant side. My strength generates from my left side as I am left-handed. My right side is the assist. Therefore, it made sense to get the injection in my right arm. Aside from a bit of soreness, I had no adverse reactions.

All anybody ever wants is a fighting chance. The ability to overcome illness is crucial during a pandemic. My COVID-19 vaccination experience gives me a fighting chance, and I couldn’t be happier about it.