Letting go of the Characters you Create: Ending a Book Series

I wonder if most authors have an issue with ending a book series. Usually, by the time you get to the end of the journey, the enthusiasm for the characters wane. Now, I am not going to say that it happens to every author, but it is where I find myself today. In my coming of age series entitled The Adventures of John, James and Jack, the characters have matured a bit, so the cute quips do not work in the dialogue. Making the transition from teen to a young adult seems simple enough, however, keeping them true to their personalities is paining me right now. Book three in the series is five months overdue according to my writing schedule. Although, I love John, James and Jack as if they were my own children, the idea of us parting ways as well as them no longer needing me as a guide makes me sad.

Funny, I am in a writing group that meets twice a month to discuss our challenges, triumphs and fosters encouragement. There are two (2) other published authors in this group who are both writing their third book in a series. Both are floundering just as I am and somehow that gives me solace. It is always comforting to know that you are not alone. Sometimes being an author makes you isolated and the only company that you tend to have are your characters. I find it very refreshing to have a community of like-minded talented individuals to commiserate with from time to time. We all want our next book to be better than the last. However, when you reach the end of a series, again, the intensity which motivated you from the onset weakens, and you find yourself powering through as best you can to make the last leg of the journey just as exciting and intense as the one before.

Oddly enough, I have read quite a few series in my day, and by the time I get to the last book in the series, it is never as good as the ones before it. Some best-selling authors got great reviews for the first two books in a three book series. The last book is always reviewed as mediocre. As I try my best to breathe life into the end of my coming of age saga, I can only hope that the dedicated audience finds it fulfilling and worth the read. #amwriting