A New Year and Approach

A New Year and ApproachTypically, I take the time to compile and review my analytics to measure my growth. When you are so close to the action, sometimes it is hard to see progress. It can feel like you’re spinning your wheels, waiting for a big crescendo to recognize that you’re doing well. The goal is to meet expectations or surpass expectations that you see for yourself. The same way an employer does for its hired help. It’s time to shake things up with a new year and approach.

My last year is a mixed review. I didn’t hit any of my goals from an analytical perspective. The ways that I have always created awareness, engaged with readers, and marketed myself remain the same. I blog, podcast, engage on social media, and participate in live events. My goal is always to put something out weekly to have at least 52 engagements on every platform. I don’t think my goal post is impossible; however, my completion rate was abysmal last year.

Yet, somehow, I had outstanding sales that increased my earnings by 21% year-ending 2023 over year-ending 2022. Here is what gets me. I earned more but achieved less on the processes I have in place to ensure I make more. Finding the right formula for consistent growth is tricky. With a new year and approach, I hope to continue the earnings growth. We are more than seven days into the new year, and I’m already one week behind on all platforms.

I’m subscribing to a new mode of operation. I will certainly keep my blogging, podcasting, and social engagements regimen, but I won’t count it as a measurement of success or failure. My new obsession comes from a quote I read in a book written by Alex Banayan, “I will be unattached to success, unattached to failure, but I will be attached to growing and trying.1” It’s a better way to stretch myself and accurately measure my strengths and weaknesses. It’s a new year, a new approach to growth that will propel me towards consistency.

  1. The Third Door – The Mindset of Success by Alex Banayan