Top 5 Way to Create Awareness: Get Attention for Your Published Work

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As an independent author, my biggest challenge is finding my audience. We spend months and in some instances years trying to create a manuscript worthy of being read by the masses. There are trials when it comes to producing a book of quality. It involves everything from concept, characters, and conflict to a conclusion. Also, authors have to find beta readers who are willing to invest their time and energy to read and give feedback on the story before release. Once you get over the hump, the real issue is being able to make enough noise to get attention for your published work. Here are 5 top ways to create awareness:

Street Teams

A street team is a small group of people who help get attention to your published work grassroots style. They talk about it to their friends, co-workers, and push to create chatter about your new release. It is one of the best assets you can have to start a buzz about a book. These people are usually friends and family who have no issue with blindly promoting you as a person while showing confidence in your work. In some cases, the team is created from beta readers who enjoy the chance to be on the ground floor of what they believe will be the next big literary hit. Either way, they are worth their weight in gold because they can generate fans by the hundreds or the thousands in short measure.

Book Signing

A book signing event to launch a new release will generate interest amongst the general public. The location is key. You should have a list of small talking points to draw the crowd. Sitting behind a table with dozens of books doesn’t work. You have to engage the audience with tidbits about your book, your writing style, and who you are as an individual. Many authors have book signings at small book stores or trendy event spaces. The initial invites are friends, family, and beta readers to fill the room. These events count on the establishment’s or neighborhood’s foot traffic to pique the curiosity of new readers.

Advertising Campaign

A targeted paid advertising campaign will increase awareness. Several book websites offer introductory deals like Book Bub, Book Baby, and Good Reads. Readers hangout and trust the promotions are enough to click try or buy. Your advertising needs to focus on grabbing the attention of people you believe would have an interest in the story you are trying to tell. Do a bit of research before you spend money on a campaign. You should find books similar in scope to yours to get a better understanding of where you would like to put your money. The key is to have it be a fruitful exercise.

Social Media

You can promote your new release on your social media pages for free. Many times this can generate interest amongst your followers if you do it right. Once your book is about to launch or during the pre-sale, you should make a lot of noise about it. Talk about your journey, successes, failures, and how finishing makes you feel. Nobody wants to hear every five minutes, buy my book. It’s the quickest way to lose a potential reader. There is nothing wrong with giving little snippets about your story to raise a few eyebrows.  Provide links without asking people to give you a try. Human nature makes us curious, and many will click to see what you have created. They become unwitting fans because it’s their idea and realize your work is worth the effort.

Book Club

Forming a fan club or a book club can create awareness for your books. All it takes is a few like-minded individuals to get it started. Don’t be concerned about the initial numbers. A group of ten can increase 10-fold through word of mouth in short measure. The purpose of the book club is to generate sales and feedback. It is also a way to have direct engagement with readers who can help as you craft your next book by becoming beta readers, suggesting character names, suggesting a location where your new story takes place, etc. Everyone likes to be a part of something they believe would be worthwhile.

These are the top 5 ways to create awareness that get attention for your published work. I never worry that my work is worthy of attention. My fear is self-promotion. It has taken me a few years to understand the dynamic of speaking up about the works I create and being able to say it makes me proud. I am less afraid to say look at me because I realize I am a living example for future generations in my family. My latest effort is creating a book club group on Facebook. It is a small group right now, but I am super excited to have them all participate. If you are an avid reader or an author, who is looking for a way to increase your awareness, do join us at the Book Club Cash Mob on Facebook. We would be happy to have you. #BookClubCashMob