Kids have too much time on their hands

Due to digital learning and limited contact with others, kids have too much time on their hands. Young children rarely show creativity the old fashion way.  They build, create, and organize with the use of computers and tablets. Everyone in the household requires screen time. Even the infants know how to swipe across a screen on a tablet or smartphone. Art should not be the only time when young children put pencil or pen to paper. 

Adapting to the new ways we learn and interact discourages self-expression amongst children. All of their creations are in a vacuum. Then we wonder why finished products are not what we expect from them. What a young child thinks are creative images could be viewed as dark in nature. It is apparent kids have too much time on their hands. It’s often a sign that the child cannot constructively express their feelings.

Journaling is very old fashion, but very effective for young children. I encourage my grandchildren to journal their thoughts, feelings, and ideas. It makes a big difference when you get your thoughts on paper and see it written. The task will help them understand their thought process better and recognize when something is amiss.

I created a journal for my grandchildren, and they have taken to the idea of using it daily. I told them to use it for whatever comes to mind. My grandson has already started his Christmas list and uses his journal to justify why he deserves to get the items on his list. His journal is personal, and he doesn’t need to share it, but he insists that I understand his methodology for getting what he wants at the holiday time. Despite all the things we require of them, kids have too much time on their hands. Get your elementary school-aged child a journal.