Could it be holding you back?: Fear is a powerful Force

Photo of woman with her hands covering her face in a dark room depicting a fear of something or someone.
Photo courtesy of Melanie Wasser
A Woman who suffers from Fear

Fear is a powerful force that can be used to propel you forward or immobilize you. I am going to use my industry as the catalyst for this diatribe. It can attribute to any aspect in your life, such as your career, creative passion, or commitment in relationships. Often as a writer, there is a struggle between confidence and fear. Many days you have the courage to create your manuscript, and other times you want to trash the whole thing out of fear no one will want to read it. You have to decide if writing a book is an exercise you want to endure. It requires time, patience, and leaving yourself vulnerable to strangers. Sometimes, the angst is motivation in and of itself. How does fear aid productivity or hinder it?

The positive effect of Fear

The unsettling feeling of fear causes people to get things done. It is not really about reaching a goal. It is about regaining a sense of calm. Some thrive from the adrenaline. The idea of getting to the other side of the fear drives you to accomplishment. It becomes its reward when you believe you cannot conquer a task physically or emotionally. Many do not accept losing as an option. Fear guides the need to finish.

The negative effect of Fear

In a state of fear, people tend to cringe at the thought of being trapped. They develop anxiety and experience clouded judgment. The mind takes over the matter, and everything appears out of reach. The fear of rejection is so palatable; you cannot fathom the possibility of completion. Many times the only thing blocking your path to the finish line is yourself. All of the stumbling blocks are derived from fear.

We have ebbs and flows in life where fear can stimulate or annihilate your fortitude. Fear is a powerful force that we all succumb to at different stages in our lives. The task is to recognize it, embrace it for what it is, and make it work to our advantage. We all get stuck, but aside from the superficial or apparent cause, we never know the exact reason. If you look closely, you will realize that fear is the culprit that blinds you when less expect it.  I talk about fear as it prohibits the confidence necessary to move forward in the second phase of a person’s career. You can read about it in my new book entitled Chapter Two – Unlocking the Hero Within.