What in the SCOTUS is going on?

The Supreme Court of the United States of America is turning up in the worst way. We were given a heads up about Roe v. Wade being overturned. The sneak peek was the actual inked prevailing opinion. Many didn’t think it would come to pass, but I knew it would. It’s the other rulings that have got me scratching my head. What in the SCOTUS is going on?

SCOTUS Opinion – Making Conceal Carry/Open Carry

In the case of National Rifle Association, Inc. v. Bruen, two citizens in New York wanted licenses to carry concealed firearms and were denied. Each was denied twice on different occasions. Each was granted a restricted conceal carry license, but they both wanted the restriction removed. The Supreme Court decided that the state of New York’s conceal weapon licensing process is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced. It’s open season in the Big Apple. The checks and balances on concealed carry are no longer legal. The opinion of the highest court in the land will nullify other states with concealed carry permit laws. What in the SCOTUS is going on?

People will argue that more criminals will have access to weapons. Wrong! They already have guns. The law-abiding citizens will now feel entitled to pull a weapon out on someone out of fear and not circumstance that creates the problem. Both citizens who filed suit in the case want open carry for protection, not thinking they could get overpowered and become victims with their weapons.

SCOTUS Opinion – Opening the door to Prayer in Schools

The case of Kennedy v. Bremerton School District concerns an athletic coach being allowed to have silent prayer on school property after football games. He was dismissed from his role as a result of his actions. SCOTUS has decided that the school district violated Mr. Kennedy’s free speech.

His behavior did not formally encourage or discourage students to participate. The argument becomes will Mr. Kennedy’s religious practice in the future unconsciously coerce his players who may not be interested in religion to partake as a way of staying in favor of the coach for playing time.

What in the SCOTUS is going on in the world we are living in today? A lot of upsetting the balance of things thus far. Checkout some of the most recent opinions being issued. There have been musings of other, dare I say different, infringements to women’s rights. Justice Clarence Thomas implies that contraception might need to be monitored or eliminated. Chances are other precedents will be challenged. Be mindful of what is going on in your state legislature and continue to cast your ballots every time there is an election.