President indicates White is right: Immigration Compromise

On Thursday, January 11, 2018, President Trump indicated in a closed door meeting that he would prefer that the United States welcome immigrants from Norway instead of Haiti, El Salvador and Africa. The racist rhetoric has reached a fevered pitch. We all have a weird Uncle who makes outlandish statements from time to time and we tend to forgive him. We all tend to keep his ass out of view of the general public because people tend to judge you by the company that you keep. If this were an employee working for a fortune five-hundred company, he would be given his marching papers.

Unfortunately, we don’t have that option. As the leader of the free world, President Trump gets to antagonize the moral compass of America. Our country has always been a melting pot and to try and refute it is un-American. This country was built on the backs of the very people that the President of the United States claims are soiled and unworthy. Of course, I paraphrase the language that he used because it does not bear repeating. If you have ever been to one of his establishments, I am sure you will find that many of the staff come from the places that he speaks of with degradation.

Black and brown people across America should take offense. Historically, without them, what would America be today? It is possible that the educated ethnic group members may set themselves apart but don’t be fooled, he means you too. At least, your ancestral base. Remember, silence is acceptance and all those who align themselves for party or salary won’t be able to wash the stink off. The only solace is a chance that party control may shift come November 2018. Quite naturally, as citizens, we have another ace in the hole with the Robert Mueller investigation. With any hope, we may be able to look forward to an indictment for Obstruction of Justice. Either way, the clock is ticking and President Trump’s mouth will eventually get him exactly what he deserves, a long sentence of shame and reflection.