Democratic Debate – Who’s Really in it to Win it?

The democratic candidates who are trying to be the nominee for the next President of the United States stand up and speak.  Funny, aside from former Secretary Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders, I didn’t think there was anyone else vying for the job.  Come to find out Lincoln Chafee former Governor of Rhode Island looks a little scared on this big stage.  He wants to be credited with not having any scandals in his life.  Should that be a claim to fame or is it expected?  Jim Webb former Senator of Virginia was in office for less than ten years. He appears to be stiff and ridged. Martin O’Malley former Governor of Maryland was in office for less than ten years. He interest in improving the electric grid by 2050.  Clean energy is his mantra.  There is a noticeable difference between the two party debates.  The Democrats seem to meet in the middle on issues and they are actually talking about issues that matter to the everyday person.  Bernie Sanders wants a revolution of sorts where the average American stands up to be counted and let the government know that their vote is their power.  Senator Sanders is looking for support from everybody and he would appreciate it even at $30 a pop.

Hillary Clinton was very polished in her performance at the debate.  She was very comfortable in her own skin throughout the whole two hours.  However, she was very political in her answers by not hitching her wagon to any one issue either for or against.  Secretary Clinton even knew when not to respond to a challenge.  As Governor Chafee tried to state that her credibility is at stake and we are still trying to repeat the trust that the people have in government.  He claims that Secretary Clinton is not trustworthy in the eyes of the people.  Governor Chafee believes he is has the trust of the people.

Senator Bernie Sanders was very outspoken about what is wrong with America.  He wants everything under the sun which sounds like cherry pie but can he get all of these things done.  President Obama came into office with big dreams about resolving the nation’s issues but with the Republicans controlling the house and the senate his hands have been bound.  I see Bernie Sanders being politically bounded and gaged in the same fashion.

Jim Webb, Martin O’Malley, and Lincoln Chafee have one thing in common, none are career politicians.  Sure they have lent their voice and effort for a few causes for the individual states that they represented but I think the President of the United States should be someone who lives and breathes politics and that’s what separates this lot from Senator Sanders and Secretary Clinton. Unfortunately, I do not feel compelled to find out more about them.  They look like filler on the stage.  They are few extra people to make it look like it could be a competition but really all three are non factors in this race for the democratic nomination.

Each candidate was very careful as to not insult one another or any race, religious faction as well as any of the laws that are currently on the books (i.e.: Roe vs. Wade, Legalization of Gay Marriage and Legalization of Marijuana medical or recreational by states).  The moderators followed the same models in terms of questioning except this time, the jabs were focused on real issues that Americans face each and every day.  I have to be honest, I still did not learn one darn thing in terms of what real plans can be put in place to bring America back.  I guess it is still too early to tell if something concrete will materialize prior to next year.